Tuesday, May 17, 2011


there are two types of racism prevalent in todays society, implicit and explicit. implicit is hidden racism where it is not shown on purpose but is in the back of our minds. an example of implicit racism can be the news article where a minority is 'looting' food while a white couple 'finds' the food. this wasnt done on purpose but it just goes to show what is going on in our subconscious. explicit is shown racism where it is quite obvious that some individuals are racist. an example of explicit racism is groups such as the KKK showing their hatred for jews and others through demonstrations and parades. although implicit might seem less demeaning than explicit, both are still very bad. it is because of the society before us and the society we live in today that has had these effects on us. people are always being judged first solely on the color of their skin or ethnicity. although some ethnicities can be different from others but look the same we put them in the same category stereotyping them. in order for us to overcome these stereotypes we must look past the color and ethnicities of others and look into the person that they actually are.

Habitat For Humanity

This past saturday i volunteered at habitat for humanity for 4 hours. when i was on my there i didnt know what i was going to be like and if i was going to know anybody there. this past saturday was also the day of prom, so i knew that i was going to have a long day ahead of me. when i first got there i met some of the leaders of the project and started doing little tasks that they had asked me to do. after a while some friends of mine came by so it was good to have some company. after seeing that i was capable of doing these tasks, they had asked me and my two other friends to start making a pathway to the house. we had to line everything up perfectly so that the walk way would be level. it was very hard work as it took alot of time and precise measurements. even though this was hard work i knew that i was doing something good for the less fortunate. i started to think that some people aren't as priveleged as i am and cant afford or arent able to buy and own their own house. it wasnt a big house but it would make due for the single woman who would be living in it. i was really happy that i could help out with someone less fortunate by helping create a house to live in.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

High School Class

No matter where you go every high school is filled with many different cliques. In class this past week we were talking about how social class affects what kind of people one associates themselves with and how different cliques are viewed by society and by other cliques. The two most prevalent cliques in every high school is the popular kids and the nerds. Both of these groups are very well stereotyped. The nerds think that the popular kids are all rich and snobby, and the popular kids think that the nerds are all smart and for some poor. In the video we watched in class it was easy to see what kids fell into what kind of groups. And every single group based their opinions on one another just by the way they look, not by what kind of person they actually are. Even in shs this kind of thing happens. As you walk down the hall it is easy to spot out which kid belongs in which group. I myself try to avoid "judging a book by its cover". I play sports so in part i could be called a jock but in other aspects my grades would reflect that of a nerd. I try to keep myself as well rounded and well liked as possible to avoid the typical stereotype of a popular kid or nerd. I feel that if every high school student had time to talk to kids from different groups they would see that they are all not so bad.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Prison's Revolving Door

One of the worst systems in America today is its justice system. The United States is the leading nation in the number of people in prison. Not is it only the worlds leading nation in amount of people in jail but the largest percent of people in jail. We have over two million people in jail. more than some countries have a population of. The thing is a majority of these people that leave prison after their sentence is over they are most likely to go back. It is like the doorways to prison are a revolving door. Most of the prisoners in prison are minor offenders, mostly drug users and drug dealers. In order to fix this problem that we have in our country, we must seek out to advise and counsel these prisoners so that they will not be as likely to go back. Ultimately we will have less prisoners in jail and keep the streets safer.


In class a couple weeks ago we were talking about drugs, mostly marijuana and how society views it. Some states have different punishments for marijuana then other states. I remember hearing that in Louisiana, someone having a specific amount of marijuana or more can be arrested and taken to jail for 25 years, while someone in New York carrying the same amount would get a $500 fine. I think its ridiculous how we are treating this subject so poorly. I believe that its a fear that was installed in us during the Reagan administration that marijuana and other drugs are ruining the fabric of our society. Also, there are many other drugs that have worse side effects than marijuana that are sold over the counter. Such drugs as, alcohol and nicotine. These are two of the most widely used drugs in the US and they are legal at a certain age. These two drugs also account for the many deaths in the US. I feel that as a government we have to reconstruct our attitude and view on many of the drugs in our nation today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cherished Children

This past Monday, I volunteered at the Cherished Children's day care for 2 hours. Overall I had a great time! once we first got there and got off the bus you could see the excitement in all the kids faces. it was so cute. we first had to wash our hands before we played with the kids so we wouldnt spread any germs. Some other volunteers and I went out in the play ground to play with the kids. it was really fun as we played duck duck goose, tag, and catch with a football. there were these two kids in particular, ryan and tony, who would tackle each other once they got the ball. it was pretty funny to see but the supervisor of the playground was mad that we let them fight. it was still alot of fun though. i remember when i was a kid playing on the playground running around without a care in the world. those were the days.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Community Service 4.5 hours

This past Tuesday, I volunteered at the Shriner's Hospital for Children for 4.5 hours. This is a hospital for physically and mentally challenged children. While I was there we played wheelchair basketball. Going into this I didn't know what to expect. As we first entered the facility, I was unsure on what exactly we were supposed to be doing and how we were going to be able to play with the kids and communicate with each other. When we first started playing it was very hard to maneuver the wheelchair while holding the basketball and shooting it into the hoops, but after a while I got the hang of it. There were three patients that we were going to be playing with, Jasmine, Andrea, and Justin. As we started playing, I noticed that these the patients were more than capable of playing. It was very impressive to see them play and have a good time despite their disabilities. I had a great time playing and would enjoy going again. After we were done playing I felt that we had made a difference to these kids and their parents that were there. I could tell on their faces that they also had a good time playing and that the parents were also very happy that we came by to play with them. It made me think that sometimes I take some things for granted such as playing basketball and moving without the use of a wheelchair. Not only do I feel lucky that I am able bodied but I am also so proud of these patients and how they cope with their disabilities and still have a good time. It was a very heartwarming experience. I left with two blisters on my hands, but it was all worth it to bring joy to the patients and their parents.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Teenage Independence

In class this past week we've been talking a lot about when you are finally a teenager and when your are finally an adult. There were many very different opinions in class about when your finally an adult ranging from 18 years old to 25 years old. I noticed that each and every single person had their own opinion on when one was an adult. Some thought it was when you have no more driving curfew, some thought it was when you were able to buy alcohol, and some thought it was when you were able to rent a car. When Sal put a timeline on the board of all the ages where we thought you gained independence the class as a whole was only naming the nurture part of it. The part that were rules or laws, not what has been given naturally to us such as our first tooth or ones first gray hair or wrinkle. In society we are judged by what age we are not by what age we act. There are some 14 year olds that are mature enough to drive a car but then again there are some 16 year olds who can legally drive a car but are too immature to handle the responsibility of doing so. I feel that people shouldn't be judged on how old they are but judged on how mature they are and what they can learn from their elders and can set an example to ones younger than themselves just like in that one island off of the pacific coast. Teenagers are often judged too harshly on being a teenager but not every teen fits that stereotype of a crazy irresponsible individual. Society should that note of this and not judge a person on how old they are but how mature as a person they are and how they can receive and give back to their community.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


In class this past week we've been talking alot about masculinity. In todays society alot of men are trying to put on this "tough guise" to show their masculinity. Even boys, small children are trying to do this. they are trying to put on a show to make themselves look tough to others and be respected. many of the people who dont show their masculinity through this disguise are often ridiculed and made fun of. words are being tossed at them such as fag and wussy and much more vulgar words. many boys are being influenced by the media. WWE for instance shows very graphic images and videos of huge jacked men throwing each other through tables and bashing each other over the heads with metal chairs. many boys watching this start to imitate the wrestlers and thats where they try "putting on a show" to display their toughness. yes, to me a real man does display a sense of independence and toughness but not to the extent it is going on today. if boys and men really want to show how manly and tough they are they should be more intact with their true feelings and take off that silly little disguise of toughness they put on.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Socialization Agents

Groups that shape us to who we are today. These groups influence everything in our daily lives from what we wear to school to what we believe in. The thing is, we don't even think about these groups as often as we should and what kind of affect they have on our lives as well as my own. To me, there are 3 very distinctive agents of socialization that have the greatest impact on my life.
What i think is probably the most important agent is Family. As soon as we are born we are brought into this world with our whole family, mom, dad, brother(s) or sister(s). These people right away love us and this is something really special. In my own life my family is very big on soccer so ultimately my favorite sport is soccer and that is what i have grown up playing as my main sport.
A second very important socialization agent is School. Around the age of 3-5 we are brought into preschool or kindergarten. And from there it does not stop sometimes as late as your mid twenties. In school we are taught many of the basic skills such as math, reading, and writing but there are somethings that are not part of the school agenda that we learn as well. These would be the latent lessons, such as patriotism and consumerism. In my life for as long as i can remember my first class of the day would start off by standing up and reciting the pledge of allegiance.
The third most influential group on a persons life as well as my own would be the Work group. As we grow up we see that one of our even both of our parents have a job and work to provide and support the family. The work that they do defines who they are whether they are a fire fighter, police officer, or a teacher. And in these select jobs comes hard work and dedication. In my own life i was always taught to always work hard and that nothing comes easy especially since my father came from Italy at 14 years old and worked from the bottom up to be where he is now as a grocery store owner. His work values have rubbed off on me creating me as the person i am today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Growing Man

In class this week, we've been learning about socialization and how we are dependent on each other to survive and grow in this world today. One day, on the board, Sal drew a diagram of a baby on the left side, and then an adult on the right. He then went on to teach that as a baby we are ruled by emotions, instinct and training. As we grow up to become adults we depend on others to help us along they way. In the short reading, Human Instinct, there were many examples on children that had other interactions with humans and others who didn't. One story that struck me as very odd was the child who was raised in the wild. What was very weird about this was his ability to survive being brought up by the wild animals. When being observed, he would run around on all fours, growl, scratch, and hunt and eat live uncooked meat just like an animal would do. This shows how the environment a child is brought up in has a lot of effect on their behavior. Through other people, and in this case animals, we become a human, socialization.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Am I?

In class the other day, Sal was telling us a story about how he was in Italy. Before his experience there he always considered himself as an Italian, his family was Italian and he had an Italian heritage and Italian in his blood. But that all soon changed. While he was in Italy, he was speaking to this one man and Sal said that he as well was Italian, the man laughed and said no your not your American. At first Sal was very confused because he had always considered himself to be an Italian but the man then said your grandfather might be Italian but you are an American. And once that was said Sal looked at himself and saw what he was wearing different from the rest of the people there. I can relate greatly to this because I also have Italian heritage. Both my mother and father were born and raised in Sicily. So naturally I had always considered myself to be Italian although being born in America. Like Sal, when I went to Italy to visit family, I was known to them as their American cousin. To them I wasnt Italian, I wasnt born there, I havent ever lived there, and I was not used to their customs and ways of living. Not many consider themselves to be American when asked what they are and this is because of our ancestory. So with this in mind, what are you?

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Subculture

Many of us are part of our own sub cultures. Some based on race, ethnicity, interests, and hobbies. In shs there are many sub cultures that make up our one big shs culture. Many shs students are part of different sub cultures such as band, soccer, football, baseball, and many of our clubs that are offered. Together all these mini sub cultures make up one big culture which is shs. A sub culture i would relate myself to is italian-american. there are many mores, folkways, symbols, tabboos, language, and values that i have. A more that is in my life is family is the most important thing in my life and nothing comes between. A folkway is going to church every sunday, yes it is a religious purpose that we follow but i am not obliged to going. A symbol that relates to me and my family is the italian horn that i wear and the italian flag, showing pride. the language that is most commonly speaked in my family is italian. Values that me and my family follow are hard work and dedication and that family comes first.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hand Gestures

In class the past few days, we've been talking alot about cultures and how we interact with other cultures. One thing we have been learning about with cultures interacting with each other is culture shock which is when people from different cultures see and think when they are thrown into another culture. One example of this is when people use hand gestures to communicate with each other. Since I come from an Italian family I am very familiar with seeing people talking with their hands. These hand gestures we make to each other can be shocking to different cultures because one gesture for us might mean a different gesture for them. In my family alot of the people speak by putting all 5 of their fingertips together and rock it back and forth. In some different cultures this may mean something else like in japanese it could come off as talking about money. What some things mean for us could and probably do mean something different for other people from different parts of the world.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


In James Madison's Federalist 10, he stated that factions are innevitable. All throughout life people have been and people will surround themselves with a group of other people with the same interests. Just like in the movie, A Bronx Tale, there were groups, and even groups within the groups. 2 main groups portrayed throughout the movie were the Italians, and the African Americans. These two groups were rivals as they fought with one another all throughout C's life. C was also apart of some groups. One group being his family, his family always tried to stay out of trouble, never involve themselves with the wrong people, and work hard for a living. The second group was the mobsters, they hung out around the bar and Sonny was their leader. The third group was C's friends, they went around looking for trouble which would ultimately be their end. I believe that C belonged in a group of his own with Sonny. C for instance unlike his father wanted to be with the mobsters by the bar, and Sonny being one of the mobsters, looked at things much differently from the rest. C's master status throughout his whole life and the movie is an individual. He was always different from his friends in knowing what was wrong and right and thats what saved him in the end along with Sonny's help. I feel like my master status would be along the line of C's. I like having a good time with my friends when the time and place is appropriate but at the same time i know never to get too out of hand and know when to compose myself.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Class Divided

Although i wasn't in class today i read the blog Sal had put up on his blog and watched the video "angry eyes". while watching this video, a memory popped into my head. i remembered that when i was in 3rd grade my class had participated in an activity just like this. it is still in my head a clear and vivid memory. it started like any other day in Mrs. Hindin's class, all of the classmates and I were in the room at the beginning of school. she then asked us to write down on a post it note what color eyes we had and to put it on the chalkboard at the front of the room in the respective sides, dark eyes, light eyes. at first i thought this was just a game we were going to play today but it turned out to be something different. she then told us that everybody with dark color eyes were not allowed to go out for recess and had to sit separately from the rest of the class. this was a pretty bad experience for me because during story time while the brown eyed kids and i sat separate from the rest i started crying. i remember the teacher telling me that this was an activity and that i had to stick through it for the rest of the week. after a couple more minutes of class, more children started to cry and the activity was over. now that i look back on this previous experience of mine and after watching the video and reading the blog about splitting the class up into black shirts and colored shirts, i now see that it was an activity on how people judge each other just based on what kind of clothes they wear, what color eyes they have, and the most obvious what skin color they are. just like these young minds in the movie they were very susceptible to judging others on what color eyes they had. this goes hand in hand with how everybody in the world has the sociological mindset about judging people solely based on their religion or skin tone. it is plain and obvious to see that the world is a very judgemental place and we must open our eyes and look beyond the skin color, color of clothes, and the color of eyes of the rest of the worlds people.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Abandon Ship

This past week in class mr salituro had us reenact a true story that happened awhile back about this one ship sinking and on a life boat were survivors. a decision had to be made. 7 of the survivors on the boat had to be thrown over board in order to save some of the survivors lives. i could only imagine how hard and nerve wrecking these decisions must have been in real life facing living and dying. in class the way myself and other classmates chose who to throw off was we decided who ever had a future and a family to go to would survive. likewise to what happened in real life they pretty much did the same thing. in class we looked over and we noticed that some of the people such as the elderly couple were voted off the boat the most amount of times. this was because they had no future left and pretty much were of no use. the ones who stayed were the ones with a future to give with a contribution, the strongest and youthful, and probably the most important, the ones who were of most use to the crew and their survival. at the end a question was brought up, what would have done?

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The definition of an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data. During Sociology this past week we had to read a short excerpt from The Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. This story of success told the story of a small town in Pennslyvania, Roseto. This little town was different from mostly every single town or city in America at that time. It was found that the people of Roseto were very special. Unlike the rest of the nation people here lived longer lives and didn't suffer from heart failure, the most deadly disease at the time. After long research it was found out that the people of Roseto didn't have special genes that made them better than the rest or healthy diets, it was where they lived and the community in which they lived in. The values that they had in Roseto separated them from the rest and had a profound effect on their overall health and well being. I myself can connect to this story on a very personal level. Like the people of Roseto, my family comes from a small town in Ciminia, Sicily. We are a very large family and take very special interest in each others lives. I feel very similar to the people of Roseto because my family is one big community, it is not about the individual but the family as a whole. While reading this story, i felt very connected to the lifestyle of the Roseto's and the lifestyle of my own. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

SIlence......Strength or Weakness?

Some say that "Silence is a source of great strength", in some ways I would have to say I agree with that statement but in other ways I would have to disagree. Growing up I was always taught to never get in fights and to always walk away and be the bigger person. By being silent I believe that it shows true character on the person that you are that you can stand up to others without taking things out of control. However sometimes being silent shows weakness. It shows weakness in not standing up for yourself and letting somebody bully you or make fun of you. It all depends on the situation at hand and how what kind of person at heart you really are.

About Me

My name is Peter. I come from a very big family which is very family oriented. Sports are pretty much everything to me. School comes after. My favorite food is pasta (fettucini with alfredo sauce....yum). My whole life I've played soccer. Playing soccer has been very influential to me, it has taught me how to work in a team, communication with others, and leadership since I was the Captain of our school's varsity team. On the weekends i enjoy chilling with friends and partying like crazy. although i live a crazy lifestyle i am a very relaxed and nice person. im very new to this whole blogging experience but i think that i will enjoy it very much and hope to be influenced greatly this semester.