Thursday, April 7, 2011


In class this past week we've been talking alot about masculinity. In todays society alot of men are trying to put on this "tough guise" to show their masculinity. Even boys, small children are trying to do this. they are trying to put on a show to make themselves look tough to others and be respected. many of the people who dont show their masculinity through this disguise are often ridiculed and made fun of. words are being tossed at them such as fag and wussy and much more vulgar words. many boys are being influenced by the media. WWE for instance shows very graphic images and videos of huge jacked men throwing each other through tables and bashing each other over the heads with metal chairs. many boys watching this start to imitate the wrestlers and thats where they try "putting on a show" to display their toughness. yes, to me a real man does display a sense of independence and toughness but not to the extent it is going on today. if boys and men really want to show how manly and tough they are they should be more intact with their true feelings and take off that silly little disguise of toughness they put on.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that men shouldn't have to put on this tough act because they're not doing it for themselves, they know who they truely are, they're doing it for society and for respect which shouldnt be the case!
