Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Community Service 4.5 hours

This past Tuesday, I volunteered at the Shriner's Hospital for Children for 4.5 hours. This is a hospital for physically and mentally challenged children. While I was there we played wheelchair basketball. Going into this I didn't know what to expect. As we first entered the facility, I was unsure on what exactly we were supposed to be doing and how we were going to be able to play with the kids and communicate with each other. When we first started playing it was very hard to maneuver the wheelchair while holding the basketball and shooting it into the hoops, but after a while I got the hang of it. There were three patients that we were going to be playing with, Jasmine, Andrea, and Justin. As we started playing, I noticed that these the patients were more than capable of playing. It was very impressive to see them play and have a good time despite their disabilities. I had a great time playing and would enjoy going again. After we were done playing I felt that we had made a difference to these kids and their parents that were there. I could tell on their faces that they also had a good time playing and that the parents were also very happy that we came by to play with them. It made me think that sometimes I take some things for granted such as playing basketball and moving without the use of a wheelchair. Not only do I feel lucky that I am able bodied but I am also so proud of these patients and how they cope with their disabilities and still have a good time. It was a very heartwarming experience. I left with two blisters on my hands, but it was all worth it to bring joy to the patients and their parents.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I agree with you! I've seen people play wheelchair basketball and you don't know what to expect but it is the coolest experience to watch and they players have a fun time playing too.
