Friday, January 21, 2011

SIlence......Strength or Weakness?

Some say that "Silence is a source of great strength", in some ways I would have to say I agree with that statement but in other ways I would have to disagree. Growing up I was always taught to never get in fights and to always walk away and be the bigger person. By being silent I believe that it shows true character on the person that you are that you can stand up to others without taking things out of control. However sometimes being silent shows weakness. It shows weakness in not standing up for yourself and letting somebody bully you or make fun of you. It all depends on the situation at hand and how what kind of person at heart you really are.

1 comment:

  1. Peter,

    First, this is a really interesting juxtaposition of strength and weakness. Isn't the walking away from a bully in silence the strength you are talking about? I think it takes real strength to resist the pressures to "prove you are a man" or "prove you are tough" by fighting the bully.

    Second, although a thought provoking post, it doesn't touch on the sociology of the silence. How does the silence fit into our class? Can you explain what the point of it was? Then you must relate this to something specific from your own experience - it could be a movie you saw, something that happened to you, something you read, whatever.
